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In our spiritual realm we have the Father (our Creator), the Son (our Savior) and the Holy Spirit (our keeper). As we journey down marriage lane, our marriage growth and success depend upon each spouse to individually and collectively to hope in faith and work in love to maintain the marriage covenant. As Believers in Christ, we know that the longevity of our marriages are rooted upon faith in our Marriage Trinity: God (Pilot), the husband (head of the household), and the wife (the helpmeet).
As long as God is our pilot, we will not allow “Love Busters” to into in our marriage covenant and destroy our marital intimacy. Love Buster are habits the spouses individually or collectively engage in that drains the love bank. What is a love bank? When we make a cash deposit into our checking accounts, we can pay bills and purchase item. Whenever a spouse’s behavior causes unhappiness within the marriage that is called NSF or it drains the love bank.
Let us watch out for the following Love Busters behaviors:
Selfish Demands-it is all about “ME”
Disrespectful Judgement-assumption that we know why our spouses behaved the way he or she did before asking.
Angry Outburst-in anger we speak harshly and ignore the Holy Spirit’s guidance to be “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James: 1:19).
Dishonesty-to protect ourselves, we do not tell the truth, which quenches the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
Annoying Habits-we continue to do things that we know aggravates our spouses and does not illustrate God’s agape love (1 Corinthians 13).
Independent Behavior-causes division within the home and goes against God’s unity which proclaims “Can two walk together, except they be agree” “(Amos 3:3)?
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