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The Shield

By April 11, 2016No Comments

The Shield of Faith

You take the shield of faith and use it against your daily life challenges. For example, as you study God’s word, you realize that this defense your spiritual armor. Therefore, this buffer keeps the darts of the enemy from attacking your thoughts, visions, and soul.

The shield of faith, guarantees to quench all of the fiery darts of the wicked one. Also it safeguards your throughout your daily activities. Next, this belief systems defends us from negative inward and outward influnces. Therefore, it is like a warm blanket used during cold temperatures blanket shield.

How can we use your protective shield?

Here are some suggestion on how to confidently apply the buffer victoriouslythe shield of faith usage. First, believe and hold God to His promise. God’s promises are found in His Word. Second, engage in fervent in prayer. Having daily conversation with God about your concerns. Finally, live the life of faith. Trust and believe God will work through the situation for His glory and for your good.

As you are applying your shield of faith to your various lifestyle challenges, remember that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).

Have a blessed day.
Reverend Fredina

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