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We have one more work or school day, if we work or attend school Monday through Friday. We need an energy boost. An exercise break will be a way to increase our physical energy level.
Here we go:
• Take three deep breathes.
• Push away from our computers, study books, or phones.
• Put on our workout shoes.
• Find the nearest stairs and walk.
• Return to our work or study stations and do a couple of table push-ups.
Next, exercise break to increase our spiritual energy level.
Here we go:
• If we believe and have the gift of speaking in tongues go for it.
• Put on our earphones and listen to some praise music.
• Take a praise break.
• Take a prayer break.
• Meditate on God’s word.
“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalms 42: 1-2 NIV).

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