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We want to maintain sanity within our daily schedules. We need to incorporate the margin of boundaries in the area of time management. Time management between professional and personal lifestyles is important. As a Christian, obedience to God’s hierarchy relationship healthcare plan is important: God, family, career and then ministry (Gen 1:27; Gen 2: 18.21-25; Deut. 6: 1-19; Col. 3: 12-13; 1 Tim. 5:8). We must glorify God by developing and maintaining our personal spiritual and physical well-being. If we are to mimic Christ, we need to make sure our earthly ministry includes the following wellness components within our daily activities: personal fellowship time with God through prayer, mediation, Scripture reading (spiritual); physical fitness activities, nutritionist foods, social activities, (physical); self-awareness and self-management check- up (soul).
We can maintain time management sanity if we:
Expect the unexpected- We need to remind ourselves that God is in control and we do not live in a perfect world. We can go with the flow in Christ.
Say “No”- We are not omnipresent. We cannot be two places at once. We need to prayerfully seek God’s guidance on what activities, programs, and relationships we need to say yes and Amen too and which ones to say “no” too.
Practice simplicity and contentment-Make sure we are being good stewardess of time, talent, and money that God has permitted us to rule over. Our time-management should be divided between serving, loving, obeying, and praying. Our time-management should not be stressful because what we own, now own us.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV).

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