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“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God “(Psalm 20:7, NIV).
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
We can learn to love and enjoy or despise and regret the opportunities to make decisions.
Tomorrow, when the time arrives for us to make decisions, let us incorporate the 7 Rs when needed:
1. Realize that we need to make a decision.
2. Repent if needed.
3. Remember to seek God’s guidance.
4. Run to God in prayer.
5. Relax in His Arms while waiting on His directions.
6. Received the answer by faith.
7. Remind ourselves to keep trusting God.
Tune into KAZ Radio/TV Network – Streaming World Wide – Home Radio.TV Broadcast August 9, 2017 @7pm (our new time) You can call in and ask us a question in relation to the topic 216-539-7225
Reverend Fredina

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