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Our mechanics notify us when it is time for our cars to get tune up. Hopefully, the time frame will be within our cash flow budget. We know that our vehicles are a blessing to us as we are reminded to be a good stewardess over the material items that God has allowed us to rule over. Yes, that means we must keep our required car maintenance appointments.
There is an ongoing spiritual tune up appointments that we must keep in order to maintain our sanity and wellbeing. We need to maintain self-discipline in the area of spiritual care which will bring unity within our wholistic healthcare: spirit, soul, and body. We must commit to praying without ceasing, studying God’s word, applying God’s word to our lifestyles, and sharing God’s word with others through our words, actions, and deeds.
As we keep our cars’ tune up, let us keep our daily (247) spiritual care.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John 1:2).

If you are looking for some anointed inspirational songs, check out our music section and purchase some of our anointed music by our inspiration vocalist, Byron Weems.
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