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Two Types of Guilt

By March 23, 2016No Comments

There are two types of guilt trips that you can travel on.
Conviction and Condemnation are the two trips of guilt trips.
If you are growing in grace, you will travel down the road called Conviction. On this road, you turn down the street called Godly Sorrow. You will notice that your address proclaims that “Godly Sorrow leads you into authentic repentance (Romans 2:4)
Traveling on the road called Condemnation, dead end into the street called Satan Attacks. On this road, you are constantly reminded about your failures and your low self-esteem.
Which road should you travel? The one the provides joy, peace, and contentment. The name of that road is called Conviction. This road reveals how the Blood of Jesus washes away all of your sins.
When going on a guilt trip, remember to turn on Jesus’ Street and be forgiven of your sins.
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Have a blessed day.
Reverend Fredifit

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