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Wellness Destroyer: If Only

If only thoughts leave us feeling depressed, sad, and mad. If only thoughts remind us of what we do not have. If only thoughts have us looking at what others have and opens the door to jealousy and anxiety.


As we continue to focus on what we do not have, self-pity arises on the spot and leads us downward emotional spiral. Suppose the If Only syndrome keeps you focusing on your have not (looking at yourself) Confess your feelings to God and focus on God’s blessing in your life. Take the time a remind yourself of your big and small accomplishments. Be grateful and remind yourself that you can get through this because of your faith and will of determination.


Tomorrow, when those thoughts of If only spring forth

Remind yourself that on this wellness journey, I am not walking in isolation. I am surrounded by heaven’s angels, God’s word, family, friends, and a host of self-confidence in God’s power.

How has the “If Only Syndrome” hindered your lifestyle journey?

Also, you can let us help you develop or maintain inner and outward, wholistic serenity through the following life/wellness coaching with a touch mental health consultation. Join our stress-release energy booster group personal virtual sessions.




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