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How can we schedule our daily interactions, choices, commitments to represent our priorities?

We all have a list of priorities that are important to us. The list consists of people, places, and things that we choose not to live without.

As a child of God, we must keep God first as we balance out our Mary’s (sitting at the feet of Jesus) and Martha’s (working and serving others) lifestyles.

“As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught” (Luke 10:38NLT).

At the top of our priority list is know how to unify the Lifestyle techniques used by biblical characters, Mary and Martha.

Beginning of the day (Mary)- spend time studying God’s word and seeking His guidance.

Daily activities (Martha)- serve others whole heartedly at work, meeting, family, or shopping.

Break times(Mary)-ongoing prayer time, reciting Scriptures, and listening and hearing from God.

Quitting time for schedule (Martha)-get to stepping to go home, and (Mary) praising God that he got us through the day.

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