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What’s Your Lifestyle Love Recipe?

Some of us from childhood into our adulthood were instructed to serve the love recipe within our daily interactions. We were to treat everybody with respect. We were encouraged to love everybody regardless of how they treated us. Be kind to all humankind. Always offer others energizing smiles.

Serving the love recipe can be challenging during the following situations:

We are falsely accused.

We are having health challenges.

We are interacting with jealous family members, friends, and co-workers.

We lack cash flow.

There are some encouraging ways to overcome love hindrance. The Love Recipe includes the following ingredients:

One cup of peace-decide to walk in peace regardless of our situations.

Four tablespoons of self-control-remind us that our self-control doses are used to maintain “our sanity”.

One glass of kindness- this glass of kindness is poured on us to help us release kindness on others as a reminder of God’s grace and mercy shown towards us and others.


Do you have a lifestyle love recipe that you would like to share?

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