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The Bible offers its readers ABC of emotional discipline. This helps Believers to understand ourselves in relations to our feelings and emotional responses as we interact with self and others throughout our wellness journey. This help us to deal with our various mood swings (good, bad, from God or Devil).
We are not to ignore our mood swings; however God’s word states “ not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11 KJV). This does not mean that we are to stay depressed, drained, or miserable. God’s Word reminds us to seek Him on how to deal with our emotional drama.
Check out our website to see which various group wellness seminars, lectures, and workshop you can schedule to encourage, educate and assist you and your group events (family members, church ministries, corporations, partnerships, and small businesses).
We are looking forward to assisting you and organization wellness journey.

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